Sunday, 25 January 2009

How can i avoid wrinkles?

There are growing numbers of anti-ageing products available that are specifically designed to limit damage and help you hold back the years (its really as simple as natural plain make-up and a smooth moisturised body)

Your skin will become gradually drier and rougher from now on, so exfoliation is important. It's also critical to carry on protecting your skin against sun damage if you want to avoid sun spots, uneven pigmentation and even more wrinkles.
A good defence against damage from free radicals is vital. Use a moisturiser rich in antioxidants.

Vitamin A an retinoids will help boost collagen and elastin levels in your skin, making it look younger.

Exercise is even more important to maintain a healthy skeleton and muscle tone, and to combat a slower metabolism. A combination of weight-bearing or resistance exercise and a cardiovascular workout i best.

It's not always easy to avoid stress, especially as most people in their 40s have hectic lifestyles, balancing the needs of family, home and work. But there's no doubt that your body will now cope less well with stress and lack of sleep, so be gentle with yourself and make sure you have enough time to rest and recover from everyday life.

Now is the time to take a good, long look at your diet. What you ate even a decade ago may no longer suit your body's needs. Hormone and oestrogen-balancing foods are key if you want to feel healthy and avoid the worst effects of ageing.

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